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The Left Side of My Plate

It seemed simple enough. Eating. I had done it roughly 50,000 times before. I was excited too - it wasn't hospital food.

I set my fork down. So very proud of myself. I did it.

Stroke? Blindess? Heart surgery? NO BIG DEAL. I am fine and I have totally go this shit.

I set my hands in my lap, proud a a peacock. At that moment I realize that I my lap was covered with dropped food. Yep. A pile of food in my lap. Food that had fallen from my fork. Food that I never saw because I couldn't even see my fork.

I look at Number 1 with tears in my eyes. She gives me a shrug and we burst into laughter. So I apparently need to make some adjustments.

This is my life now. We decide that maybe from now on I should keep my food on the left side of my plate.

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